Baton Rouge Area Credit Unions Make Miracles with Golf Tournament
The 13th Annual Baton Rouge Area Credit Union Charity Golf Tournament was held Monday, October 24, 2016 at The Island Country Club and Golf Course in Plaquemine, LA, supporting Our Lady of the Lake Children’s Hospital in Baton Rouge, LA, the local Children’s Miracle Network Hospital. Baton Rouge Telco Federal Credit Union, Campus Federal Credit Union, EFCU Financial, Neighbors Federal Credit Union, and Pelican State Credit Union collaborated to organize this event which raised an estimated $47,000 including a $10,000 Miracle Match grant from CO-OP Financial Services and a Platinum-level sponsorship from La Capitol Federal Credit Union. The Baton Rouge Area Credit Unions are fundraising to help build the brand new, freestanding Our Lady of the Lake Children’s Hospital, which is scheduled to open in 2019 and will serve the medical needs of pediatric patients all across Louisiana.
Thank you to the Baton Rouge Area Credit Unions for putting your money where the miracles are!